Open Office comes to Amiga!
by hesdeadjim on 10/25/2004 08:53 PM |
GlowIcon author group, 200 strong, requires programmer for their port of OpenOffice.
Quite by surprise we learned today that in a unique effort 200 of the best icon and Workbench-screenshot developers of the Amiga community have almost finished their work to port Open Office to the Amiga platform. While this top-secret project was already started in 2002, they managed to not leak this sensational news until now.
"We have nearly all of the icons ready now," said Martin 'Mason' Merz, icon developer extraordinaire. "We just need someone to just, like, compile the code. Shouldn't take long. On Linux they say it only takes half an hour. Amiga is even faster than that Linux crap so potentially we could have a port in fifteen minutes."
Eric Schwarz of Sabrina online fame also contributed to the exciting new project, with his OpenCrotch AmigaOffice Bunny. "A sexy mascot for a sexy project is all what's really needed,", he said. To keep with the office theme, Bunny will be wearing a short secretary skirt, no panties, and will be striking a variety of suggestive poses to help launch the new port.
While betatesting is successfully being undertaken at 20+ external sites, "There is one rather minor problem left," said Chief Graphical Artist Merlo 'Ikir' Riccardo, Webmaster of IKS. "Plain and simple, we are lacking a programmer. :-( :-( :-( :-( As almost all the real work is already completed by us it won't be a hard job to put our icons in the great Open Office and make it an Amiga program." Then he added while headbanging like crazy and a big smile on his face, "These are great prospects! It will be very funny! "
Martin Huttenloher, the man behind MagicWB who was considered lost for years, was recruited for the project as well. Together with no other than André 'Jobbo' Siegel of the MorphOS Icon Forging Force (MIFF) he is currently in the final stages of polishing up the complete package, so that a potential programmer can just jump into it and compile the boring, easy code bits.
We asked one of the most prominent Amiga developers, David Parsons, who already ported Mozilla and AROS to the Amiga, what he thinks about this project.
WrongPlanet: Hello Dave! What do you think about this project?
DaveP: I think it is a great project and it shows how strong the Amiga Community really is when it comes to development no matter what others might say.
WrongPlanet: Could you imagine to help these guys by running it all through your compiler?
DaveP: It is an easy job and actually I already compiled Open Office for the Amiga a couple of months ago but currently I am occupied by porting 'The absolutely smallest CLS program for the Amiga Platform' for a Luxembourg based company whos name I can't reveal at this point in time. This is an amazingly powerful program. Anyway, I wish them all of luck to achieve their goals.
WrongPlanet: Wow, we didn't know this! Are you going to release your port of Open Office anytime soon and who made all the icons for you?
DaveP: Well, I decided to let other people have the chance to become famous and deleted all the icons I drew.
WrongPlanet: You are a very generous person, Dave. Thank you for this interview.
We'll keep you updated on the progress of this project and hope they will find a programmer soon.
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I l0v3 r3d
Posted on: 2004-10-28 00:09:28
By: Anonymous
1 w1sh 1 c0uld b3 l1k3 Dav3P!
Re: I l0v3 r3d
Posted on: 2004-11-10 16:11:58
By: Anonymous
I wish *I* could be like Mikey C
Posted on: 2004-11-04 15:08:42
By: Anonymous
This is great news!
I currently managed to rip all icons of Photoshop of
the program and painted glow icons for them instead
Could you do me a favour and recompile Photoshop
for AmigaOS/MorphOS for me - please!
Should be take not longer than an hour for a
real programming crack.
Posted on: 2004-11-11 05:57:38
By: Anonymous
amigaworld say this site is evil >:-)
Re: amigaworld.net
Posted on: 2004-11-11 19:56:03
By: Anonymous
This site says amigaworld is eviller.
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