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AROS Easteregg found in OS4!
by samuraijack on 08/28/2005 11:55 PM
Anonymous OS4 betatester alleges AROS secret message found deep in the pure and righteous code of the True Amiga OS (TM)!


WrongPlanet have today been contacted by a reliable source within OS4 core development circles with an allegation that could shake the Amiga community to its very core. The accusation was no less than that an AROS easteregg - a hidden message put there by its coders - had appeared somewhere in the graphics.library of OS4. Could OS4 be using buggy AROS crap in its sacred, True Amiga code? The horror!

We went immediately to Hyperion to find out the true facts of this matter, before Helgis had a chance to jump off a bridge.

Ben Hermans, their foremost legal expert, claimed, "It's obvious to anyone who has a clue it got there because the AROS team used stolen AmigaOS source code. As an example, it could have been from a MorphOS to AROS backport. Our professional product, AmigaOS4, is the true successor since it is based on AmigaOS source code only. MorphOS and AROS aren't based on AmigaOS source code. And it's a known fact that both are illegal since they are based on stolen AmigaOS source code."

Uh, so slightly confused by Ben, we went to the other 20+ members of the OS4 development team, Hans-Jörg and Thomas Frieden. They were angrily denying that they had angrily denied the existence of such an easteregg.

"I don't know anything about an easteregg, obviously you're just trolling," said Hans-Jörg. "The easteregg wasn't from AROS. I don't know anything about AROS. What is it?"

"Hirntot!" said Thomas.

It could happen to anyone
However another explanation was on hand. "It's quite obvious what has happened and what the confusion is," said Mike Bouma, unbiased freelance journalist. "It's not an easteregg at all, but random code that just happened to say 'AROS team rules, x86 is the best'." He explained, "Anyone can find these kind of messages in random code with a hex editor."

The matter finally put to rest, we fired our informant and accepted Mike Bouma's explanation and so instantly dropped any kind of doubt we may have. We at WrongPlanet are sure the cartoon she-cat that appears on the 30th of February on OS4 is a cunning surprise added by the Friedens. They angrily deny it, however. This is proof that we are right.

We won't keep you updated, since this matter is considered dead and should never again be mentioned in any Amiga forum without immediate censorship. Ever.

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No Subject
Posted on: 2005-09-02 20:40:53   By: Anonymous

    Posted on: 2005-09-03 03:03:42   By: Anonymous
    I hope this is just a joke.

    Posted on: 2005-09-03 04:28:16   By: Anonymous
    It's all true. Except Helgis can't jump off a bridge .. anymore. He already jumped on a bandwagon ..

Posted on: 2005-09-03 12:00:02   By: Anonymous
a FUD company started by Hom Bummons11!!11

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