Killer-app perfectionised
by hesdeadjim on 07/02/2006 03:10 AM |
SearchStar 0.70b released!
Live from the release party
SearchStar, yours and our favourite search application just received a major update today. We are proud to be the first news site to break the news. SearchStar 0.70b now uses printf()!
We were invited to the release party and had a chance to talk to amigaharry in person to congratulate him and ask him how he had accomplished such a feat. "I reached another milestone with releasing SearchStar 0.70b," amigaharry told us. "Using printf() is practically a whole redesign. What I did was edit the code to use printf() and recompile." We gasped.
And indeed, we tested a preview version of SearchStar 0.70b and you see us impressed. The sheer number of options that have become available, now that printf() has been implemented, are both sheer and numerous. We would list them here but there are really too many.
"By exploring how printf() works and then even taking the leap to add it to SearchStar was a great experience," he told us enthusiastically. "I would even go as far as stating that it improved my sex life by 100%," he added quietly. Indeed, the effect of the revolutionary printf() addition was so pronounced that amigaharry had to implement code that crashes IBrowse on his site just to prevent it being overloaded by the thousands of Amigans clamouring for the update.
The idea to use printf() was just genius and makes SearchStar even more a joy to use than it has ever been before. Sources close to amigaharry told us that he is working hard on finding out the workings of ReadArgs(), a very straightforward and innovative function which use to explain here would detonate the context of this news story. We'll hold our breaths for that Superbowl advertising spot, amigaharry!
SearchStar surely is one of the major apps released in 2006 and we suggest you keep an eye on amigaharry's developments. We surely do!
Some user comments:
"Wow, this is really great. I haven't tried it yet but it really rules. And it has no bugs at all!" - Robin, MorphZone
"I don't care." - Wayne Hunt
"Doing search software is a pointless waste of time. MorphOS 1.5 already has it." - Henes
"WOW! Imagine what printf will be like on the new teraherz PPC chips IBM are working on!!!" - Helgis
"Beer. Sauna. Örr!" - Piru
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No Subject
Posted on: 2006-07-03 00:36:34
By: Anonymous
Posted on: 2006-07-22 00:24:01
By: Anonymous
No good, where`s the funny satire like there used to be?
Re: Re:
Posted on: 2006-10-19 09:29:41
By: Anonymous
I concur, we want more Mikey_C character assassinations!
Release party
Posted on: 2006-10-19 09:28:44
By: Anonymous
Obesity party more like!
Re: Release party
Posted on: 2007-08-15 22:31:56
By: Anonymous
Hehe, the true part is that I've not tried it yet.
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