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by hesdeadjim on 08/24/2006 09:27 PM
Bored? Lonely? Don't know where to put your money? Here is the solution.

Quality set low to protect the innocent
Wrong Planet was given an exclusive preview at one of the most anticipated software titles for AmigaOS 4 to be released in 2006: myMoney4Nigeria.

MyMoney4Nigeria helps to reduce pain and suffering in the third world by enabling the user to wire extreme amounts of money to poor Nigerian millionaires.

These Nigerian millionaires have been rendered unable to spend their money on good causes by repressive governments, and often have to plead by e-mail to be able to free their accounts. MyMoney4Nigeria allows you to bypass these mails and get straight to the business of helping - with your money.

During the preview it became clear quickly that operating myMoney4Nigeria is extremely intuitive, simple and straight forward. All you need to do is fill in your personal data, enter the amount of money in millions (no lower units possible) and press the "Rip me off" button. The brilliant application will take care of the rest, and implements full AmigaOS 4 memory-protection and virtual-memory support for problem-free financial squandering.

"We wrote this tool after receiving many mails from these Nigerian millionaires. We came to the conclusion that we believe that their money could be used for the greatest of causes - to sell at least ONE MILLION AmigaOne boards to Africa," said developer Michael Thomas Christoph Klaus Walter von Franz. "Africans need reliable, dependable and cheap hardware, this is why we believe the AmigaOne is perfect."

The program supports most of online money services like PayPal. Although our version lacked support for credit cards, we were assured that this will be in the final version.

As the rip-roaring success of the recently released mySingels [sic], this will continue the "my" series of software titles. With MyMoney4Africa v2 in the pipeline, 2006 is going to be a hell of a year for us and all other lucky Amiga OS4 users!

We'll keep you updated.
Article Manager module by by George! Software.

The comments are owned by the poster. We are not responsible for its content.
great programm!
Posted on: 2006-08-25 18:22:49   By: Anonymous
mySingels, myMoney4Nigeria, myAss!!!!!!!!!!111

    Re: great programm!
    Posted on: 2006-08-25 21:24:23   By: Anonymous
    you forgot 'myHookers'

Posted on: 2006-10-15 20:30:07   By: Anonymous

I see the parallel now - the advance fee fraud (a.k.a. Nigerian 419 scam) and the Amiga Inc $50 t-shirt scam! lol

No Subject
Posted on: 2006-10-30 13:24:31   By: Anonymous
The poor nigerian millionaries need my help.IŽll send my overclocked AmigaOne to Africa.Now I feel better


More satire
Posted on: 2006-11-07 01:12:53   By: Anonymous
Come on, you must have something vaguely satirical to say?!?!

Maybe have a read of this:

I particularly like Mikey_C's slimy little rant

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