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Linux Installed on Heart Pacemaker
by samuraijack on 10/29/2003 01:29 AM
Just when you thought it couldn't be installed on anything else, the supergeeks do it again.

I've made it!
To geeks, Linux takes a back seat only to Star Trek, especially the ones with women in short skirts or tight clothes. Unlike women, they actually get to play with it.

The result is Linux on everything. Linux on PC, Linux on Alpha, Linux on XBox. As if we wanted it.

But the Linux crowd have shocked us again, not by leaving home and living without mum, but by installing their favourite user-unfriendly OS on the most important of life-saving machines - a heart pacemaker.

"It was quite easy," said the geek what done it, stopping to squeeze a zit. "All I did was realign the main vector and redistribute the local variables along the code base. Then I just synchronised the main bootstrap with the cardioengrams, recompiled the kernel - and it rocked!" He also has plans to install Linux on stomach pumps and an iron lung.

However, the process is not without controversy. Users of other systems pointed out that, given Linux's less than great installer, the pacemaker-user might be in trouble if it failed to install. One Windows user pointed out, "Linux is gay for gay fags its so g4y - 0wn3D!!!1" He then went off to play Counterstrike.

It is now being tried by several heart patients who were, as luck would have it, Linux fans too. You can visit them at your local morgue. Guess that installer didn't work after all. Better luck next time, boys. Article Manager module by by George! Software.

The comments are owned by the poster. We are not responsible for its content.
Posted on: 2003-10-31 17:16:29   By: Anonymous
I want linux on my portable radio, so it can be controlled by radiowaves! Awkward, not?

Posted on: 2003-11-02 03:09:35   By: Anonymous
wifi enabled linux kernel,
and rsh sessions allowed please ;)

Gay and Jay
Posted on: 2003-11-03 00:00:08   By: Anonymous
As if gay is a bad thing. ;-)

Oh, and Jay Miner, having worked on pacemakers, would roll over in his grave. LOL!

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